My Testimonies and
Experances that I have had with YAH-veh (God's name), YAH-shua (Jesus) and
The Holy Spirit.
I have been told and shown many
things in my life time by God and I think it is time to share all that I can
I hope this will be a true blessing to everyone
who reads this page. We all need hope and encourgment thought out our life time.
We all have a Call of God on our lives, some of us have known from a very young
age on what our Call is or some things that we will be doing for God just as
long as we remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ.
My Call has not been easy I have had my up's
and down's just like everyone else. I am not here to exault my self in any way.
I did not choose to do this I just excepted the Call. As it is written "many are
called, but few are choosen." It should say many are called, but few are
trusted. No one has to take their call we have free will. I have excepted my
Here are some things that God, Jesus and The
Holy Spirit has told me though a loud voice the still small voice, dreams,
visions and a visitation.
I remember from about the age of 4, I started
getting visions or day dreams of things. The Lord started showing me some things
that I would understand at that age. And was brought up in the First Baptist
Church of Goree, Texas this was and still is a very small town. When I was in
the 2nd grade about the age of 7 or 8 years old I started getting dreams that I
saw my self standing in front of very large crowds hundreds of people. And I
remember raising my left hand and saying in "Jesus name you are healed!" And
they were all healed. I stared getting hundreds of dreams of many things, that I
would start seeing people or places. Well it might of been days,weeks or even
years, that one day I would be some where and that dream I had would come back
to me. And I would say WOW! thats cool I have seen this in a dream before. I
used to call this forshadowing the furture.
Well what God was doing is
this, HE was getting my attention HE was saying Robert I'm talking to you. Well
that got my attention very well. I started seeing some Endtime dreams, such as
Chinesse troop invading America, I saw protective domes around the World and
God's people were the only one's that could come in. I remembered I could go out
to find people to brings them in. In my dream I was flying like Superman. I
have had many flyings dreams that I have been in. I have seen a few of these
dreams as well.
I saw my self in a parking lot of a shopping center and
it was damaged I was in the middle of the parking lot and I saw hundreds of
people that was lined up to see me. I could see in front of me massive direction
of buildings,homes that were not there anymore I saw gas lines on fire, water
coming up from the ground from all the broken pipes. I saw people with broken
bones, cuts, people bleeding and burns. People were hurting with no place to go
so they started lineing to see me. I would only ask them 1 question I said "Do
you believe that Jesus can heal you?" If they said YES that I would say "In
Jesus Name your healed" And they were All healed 100% right there on the spot.
And then they would leave and go their way. But if someone said I don't believe
that Jesus can heal me than they would go on their way with out being healed.
I remember seeing a lady with dark hair telling me "Robert you need to take
a break, you have been at this for 18 hours non-stop", I turned to her and said
"I can't they still have 3 blocks of people waiting to see me". Than the dream
was over.
I have seen a few other dreams like this one in the past as
well. I don't like these dreams I don't like to see hurting people. I don't want
to see America or any other country destroyed but in
war, natual disasters or the Writh of God.
All these things will come to pass one day very soon. So get ready people this is at hand!
I remember the first time I heard the loud
voice of God inside of me saying "Robert get to know who your adversary is
because one day you will meet him" Well I was 12 when I heard this. Well I knew
what this ment one day I would have a face to face meeting with the Ant-christ
him self. So I started learning all I could about Satan and his kingdom.
The Lord started showing me and letting me
experance different World or Man's religons, As I said I started out in a
Baptist church, than went to a Catholic school for 3 years, I went to a
Methodist church with my Grand parents a few times, than when I was in Tyrone,
Mexico There were Mormon missionaries coming to the house, my Dad wanted to hear what they wanted
to say. They were very nice men but my Mother did not want them around when
she was home. They wanted us to join their church but we did not. After that
God took me to Madrid, Spain where I lived for 2 years 1975 to 1977. I lived
with my sister and brother-in-law. The Lord showed me many things and places
over there. We lived on base housing also the Mormon missionaries were there
also our upstairs nabores invited them in, I
listened to them, one of the missionaries got my attention he was and
exPresidental advisor to President Nixion he showed us his id's, I thought that
was cool at that time. My friends joined the Mormon church over in
I want everyone to know I came from a broken home, So I turned to
Jesus HE was my best friend then and HE still is. When I turned 17 I joined
the Texas National Guard and I went to basic training well this was very hard
for me to do. I will all ways give Jesus the credit or Honor for helping me
though that training I could not of made it with out HIM. After that I
joined the US.Army for 4 years the
Lord showed me many things there and I even went to Germany for 6 months. In all that time I was still getting those dreams from the Lord where I would see things in
advance. And when I was in the Army I started prophesying to other men anf they wanted to know how did I know that
about them? I told them God told me and I have all ways done this. (At that time
I did not know about the Gift of Prophecy).
After my Army years and after 2 broken marriages I was really seeking to get to know God better. I started praying for gaiudance in what was the Church or Religion to join I wanted a better Relationship with God.
At that
time I receved a dream I was back in Spain in my old nabors yard being chased my
smaller demons I was trying not to get my self cornered well I got cornered I
thought I was going to die. Then Satan himself and
with a few of his assistances came out of the Apartment and stood on the upper stairs and balonee and he said to me "Robert these deamons will leave you alone if you join the Mormon church". And then he went back into the Apartment and the demons left and then the dream was over.
After that I took that as a sign from God for me to join the Mormon
church well I did join the church for 5 years on and off. After I
moved to Kansas City Mo. They did not like on how I was living,I was living with a lady who I did have 2 daughters with and we were not married
so they excoummicated me from the church. I was very hurt and I got upset with God then, I have neaver been kicked out
of a church in my whole life. So for a time I didn't
have much to do with God. But I knew in my heart I still loved HIM
very much and I would come back one day. Well one day I was driving my car in Liberty, Mo. back in 1998 I was praying to
God and I said I was SORRY for all my sins, I said I made a Big Mess out of my life and I asked Him to clean me up and make me the man of God HE wanted me to be. Because I knew I had a Big Call of God on my life.
WELL GOD HEARD MY PRAYER! At that time I just got a job driving a bus at the Kansas City Mo Airport. And I started listening to a Christian radio station and I heard that a church was going to have a church cleansing I didn't know what that was
but in my Spirit I knew I had to go so I went on a Friday and Saturday. This was a Deliverance service the Ministers took us to the Bible and tought us about deliverance, and then they had us all line up
and for us to say this special prayer. Well at the end of this prayer I experanced a Big Delervance I saw with my own eyes and Spirtual eyes I saw a dark cloud come out of my stomic, I then said WOW! (I felt a release in my spirit) I was clean on the inside I felt like I lost a 100 lbs. I was on Fire for God. (Note I just had a dream come back to me I saw my self writing this letter I'm doing now WOW) I then came back on Saturday I learned more on deliverance and I went though more deliverance. I have neaver experanced anything like this before in my whole life. I was FREE and I was CLEAN. I was a New person! Praise God! One day I was driving a bus at the KCI Airport working
at The Parking Spot. On this our Ast.Manager changed
things around on the drivers I
was a little upset with this they had one bus in each terminal and I was one
base. I was listening to the
Smithton Outpowering on the radio. And THEN The HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF floated in
on my bus from the back of the bus I started crying I felt HIS Holiness and HE
called me by name and said "Robert I have been planting dreams and
visions in you all your life but
it's to grow up it's harvest time and I want you to bring in MY harvest". I then
turned in my seat and said "Lord
you mean help bring in your harvest" HE said "NO you bring MY people unto ME!" I
then said "Ok Lord" And HE than
turned and floated out the front door. The door was closed. It took me 15
minutes to stop crying. I have
all ways wanted a Vistation from God,
well I got it! Praise God!
After that the Lord started putting me into
different Bible classes, Ministry classes HE started teaching me many
things. I started going to
meeting with The Prophecy Club with Stan Johnson. And I started going to church
and Bible study in Blue Springs,
MO with Pastor / Prophet Dan Bohler. I was there on a Wednesday for Bible study
I got there a little early I
was seating done praying and then all a sudden The Lord started talking to me on
the inside HE said turn to this scruputer I have read it before
and had it high lighted so I turned to the page and it was John 14:12 I read it
and the Lord said this is you.
I said no it's not me, HE said Yes it is, I said again no it's not me because
YOU did not put me in your Bible
HE said Yes I did. I said no you didn't do that HE yes I did. I said OH my God.
I really started thinking about this for a long time and I did a lot of praying about this.