Robert Lee Williams is an Ordained Bishop who operates in the Gifts of Prophecy, Healings, Creative Miracles, Prophetic Teacher with Signs and Wounders followering.
Mark 16:17-19 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In
my name (Jesus) shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new
tongues,They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it
shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Mark 16:20 And they went
forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with [them], and confirming
the word with signs following. Amen.
Here are just some Powerful Prophet's and Ministers that I have gotten
Impartations from in my life time: Prophet Ken Peters, Prophet's Stan & Leslie
Johnson, Prophet Ed Lynskey, Prophet Pat Sparrow, Jewish Prophet Tom Deckard, Prophet's Gene
& Chuck Beacon, Benny Hinn, David Terrell, Jewish Rabbi and
Evangelist Jacob Toback, Jewish Rabbi Michael Rood, Superintendent W.O.
Sherrard COGIC, Bishop Otis G. Clark the last Pastor of Azusa Street
Mission, Prophet T.C. Hudgins, Evangelist Jack Coe Jr., Evangelist Joseph Buford Dowell, Rodney Howard-Brown, Bishop L.F. Thuston, Bishop John Drew Sheard, Bishop Ernest Jefferson COGIC. Here is just a few Ministers of God that has
Imparted in to my life they are many more not listed here. I Thank God for all these Impartations and Anointings the HE has given me.
I ThankGod for giving me some of the Anointing Oil from the Azusa Street Revival which I'm now using when I minister.
Bishop Robert Williams (God’s Anointed)
Robert Williams knew From Childhood That God has had his Hand upon
his Life. Bishop Robert Williams Holds Four Separate Ordinations:
Robert Williams Met Bishop Otis G. Clark The Last Pastor of the Azusa Street Mission in 2010:
The Passing Of Bishop Otis Clark At the Age Of 109 Years: Bishop
Clark Imparted The Azusa Street Anointing On Bishop Robert
Williams Only about Thirty Were Anointed With this Great Miracle
Gift and was Anointed with 3 bottles of anointed oil from
the Azusa Street Mission (1906 - 1909) this oil was in The Glory Cloud and The Shekinah Glory. Bishop Williams Shofar was Anointed Through
Divine Connection With Bishop Otis Clark where he held it for 15 or 20 minutes:
Robert Williams Met Evangelist Jack Coe Jr.Dec. 9th,2018 Where He Got A Double Portion of the Elijah and Elisha Anointing and the Full Impartation For The Healing & Miracle Ministry.
Bishop Robert Williams is a Renowned Speaker and Well Sought Out
To Minister Throughout The World: Bishop Robert Williams has
Imparted Apostles, Bishops, Prophets, Pastors, and Lay Members all over the
World: The Past 20 Years Bishop Robert Williams has remained
vigilant in True Prophetic Ministry: He has Served with The
Prophetic Club in Topeka Kansas for 8 years. Also been a member of The Church of God in Christ for 4 years, and Blew The Trumpet (The Shofar) at The Holy Convocation in St. Louise MO. 2019 in front of 40,000 people.
In May 2020 will be Ordained as a Bishop, and has been placed on the Executive Board of Bishop's for The United Glorious Church, Association of Churches and Ministers around the world.
Bishop Williams Has Been On Television
and YouTube, Facebook and has a Worldwide Presence On Social Media:
Can Be Contacted On this Web-Site: God’s Miracle Ministry. Bishop
Robert Williams has Ordained Ministers Throughout America and In
Uganda, Africa: Bishop Robert Williams is World Renowned and Lives
on The Words: The Best is Yet to Come. Bishop Robert Williams is
walking in The Promise Of The Great End Time Revival as Prophesied
by William Seymour : 100 Years Of Healings, Miracles and Shekinah
Glory Fire Shaking Anointed Impartations Upon the World And God’s
People. “(Now is The Time”)
Here sre some of the of the Cities and Churches Minister Williams have spoken in the past.
Blowing The Shofar at a National Funeral for Bishop Ervin Sims Jr This is the 1st Time this has been done in COGIC History Kansas City KS1-14-20
I Spoke at the 102nd Holy Convocation COGIC in Kansas City Kansas on 7-24-19
The Shekhinah Glory of God Service Boone Tabernacle COGIC in Kansas City6-16-19
Impartation given to Bishop Ernest Jefferson in Kansas City MO. 10-19-19
Testimony Of Robert Williams #11-19-19
Prophet Robert Williams spoke in Dallas TX on 12-9-18
Wichita Kansas Azusa Street Revival Impartation, Miracle & Healing Service A Miracle Ocurred at 5:32 into the video a White Orb Appeared 7-11-18
Ordaination of Robert Shelby in the Office of a Prophet in Topeka KS 10-22-17
Powerful Prayers for Coronavirus - For Those Sick and Those Worried 3-24-20
May 2020 was Ordained as a Bishop, and has been placed on the Executive Board of Bishop's for The Church of God / Formally The United Glorious Church, Association of Churches and Ministers around the world.
10 June 2018 Certificate of Completion Jubilee School of Supernatural Prophetic School. Jubilee Equipping Center Jubilee Church Olatha, Kansas.
28 July 2018 Certificate of Completion Jubilee School of Supernatural Evangelism School Jubilee Equipping Center Jubilee Church Olatha, Kansas.
1st & 2nd March 2019 Asbury Theological Seminary-Church Planting & Revitalization Institute. Building Blocks for a Thriving Ministry and Marriage & Family Dynamics. At Boone Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C. in Kansas City MO.
8th & 9th March 2019 AIm Fellowship & Training Service at Pentecostal Powerhouse COGIC in Kansas City Kansas.