Deliverance / Wholeness / Healings And Maintenance Ministry
- Pray / Intercessory War /
Deliverance/ Healing from any and all diseases, illnesses, and afflictions;
Terminal and other diseases; All manor of bondage; Maintenance of freedom for
disease / illnesses / afflictions; Mental illness Ect...
THE YEAR OF THE INVINCIBLE I give out Azusa Street Revival & The End Time Revival Impartations and Anointings We Pray for Healings and Miracles they are following this Ministry.
We Now Have 2 Locations in Kansas City, MO and San Antonio, TX.
Healing & Miracle TESTIMONIES That Are Coming In Click Here
Friends of God's Miracle Ministry is a place where you can share your Testimonies on what God has done for you. A place where you can add your Prayer Requests that way the group can pray for your requests. I will be adding teaching videos, photos, Praise & Worship videos from time to time. I will keep you informed on our Tour dates and locations. If you would like to host Bishop Robert Williams or the Revival team please let us know here.
The Holy of Holies - Isaiah 6:1-8, Isaiah’s vision of God & Seraphim in King Solomon’s Temple
Bishop Robert Williams be Preaching at Ark of Deliverance Church at 2707 W 43rd Ave. Kansas City KS Sunday June 25 th 2023 Service starts at 11am. Will be speaking on Change and Transition, Will be giving out NEW Promotions and New Mantels. I will be Imparting The End Time Revival Anointing and Imparting the Gifts of Healings & Miracles who is really hungry for the next move of God. Will be Praying for the Sick and Handicapped. Don't miss this service.
Bishop Robert Williams will be speaking at a Manhood Restored Coference on a 3 Day Zoom Conferemce out of Minnestota. June 23 to 26th 2023 I will be speaking on Sunday June 25th 2023 at 7pm. Don't Miss this Online Conference
Special Annoucement I would to Introduce my Ministry Partner Evangelist William Ferguson. We now have to locations in Kansas City,MO and Canyon Lake,Texas.
We have already started touring several states. But in 2022-2023 we will be bring God's Miracle Ministry Revival to America
If you would like to invite Bishop Robert Williams to come to your church contact him at 816-266-7688 to get put on the schedule.
Bishop Robert Williams Preached and Prayed for the sick and Imparted Gifts and Imparted the EndTime Revival Impartion Anointing to the people. Testimory of healing - The Pastor's daughter got a healing about 2 or 3 years ago she had a stroke her right side was affected and she could not speak very well with out stuttering. The Pastor said since Bishop Williams prayed for her the day before she can now speak clearly with out stuttering or slow in speech.
Come Bring The Sick, Broken Hearted to this Powerful Revival Services Come expecting a Miiracles and Healings to take place.
it is!! We went as a large troupe from Kansas City. 30 of us our journeying to
Dallas, Texas for this. The Ekklesia has been in a time of war but we
are getting ready to cross over into a new season and we will recover
ALL!! When we return we will be crossing into the FULLNESS of our
apostolic mandate at Convergence Point Apostolic Hub in here in Kansas City MO/. We will be moving
into our new building which will be a marriage of the seven mountains of culture and the five fold ministry! Watch and see Gods Faithfulness unfold!
UPDATE - Bishop Robert Williams did Blow the Shofar with this group. And ministered to a few people prayed for healing and Imparted Spirtual Gifts and the EndTime Revival Impartation. I am a member of Convergence Point Apostolic Hub.
Bishop Williams Blew the Shofar and perticipated in the prophetic ministry
Bishop Robert Williams and Apostle Valentine Estrada taught on the series of
Strongholds & Spirtual Deliverance. If you want to learn more on this subject then click on the below links. This course was held at: Ark of Deliverance Church 2707 W. 43rd Ave. Kansas City, Kansas
Bishop Williams spoke on Sunday May 22nd 2022 To watch Click Here go to time frame23:34
Bishop Robert Williams spoke at Ark of Deliverance Church on Sunday 11-29-21 at 2707 W. 43rd Ave. Kansas City, Kansas Miracles and a Healings Happened and Peoples lives were changed. Watch the service on Facebook Click Here
Bishop Robert Williams and Enangelist William Fersuson Preached at a General Assembly in Sweetwater TN. On Oct. 6th to 9th,2021 Everyone was anointed with some Azusa Street Revival Anointing Oil. People's lives were changed and Healing and Miracle happened there. (See the viseos below)
We also spoke at Liberty Fellowship in Van Buren Arkansas on 10-3-21 and on 10-10-21 at Household of Faith in Benton Arkansas with Pastor Bob Joyce. (See videos below)
Minister Derrick Shepperds About 20 more Minister's in Uganda.
We want to Welcome our New Members on to the Revival team.
New MInister's in Pakistan 9-22 Eric Waris, Naina Eric, Zubaida Aslan
Spent 2 days with Robert Liardon in Olatha Kansas in Aug. 2021. He writes the Books on God's Generals
Bishop Robert Williams and Evangelist William Ferguson with Pastor Bob Joyce 10-10-21
Bishop Robert Williams and Bishop Ernest Jefferson visited Pastor Bob Joyce's Church in Benton Arkansas on 11-8-20 & 12-6-20. It was a true blessing to of meet him and his church family.
If you would like to host Bishop Robert Williams, or a God's Miracle Ministry Revival with an The End Time Revival Anointing, Impartation, Healing and Miracle Revival at your Church of Event. Please Contact us soon our schedule is filling up fast. Click Here
Pastor's I have some OPEN dates in 2021. E-Mail me to get your church on the Tour Schedule
Bishop Robert Williams Ministered with The Shofar at the 2020 The Holy Convocation in Kansas City at Missouri Western First Ecclesiatical Jurisdiction COGIC with Bishop Frank Douglas Jr. & Bishop Ernest Jefferson on Aug. 26th & 30th
Bishop Robert Williams was in Independence MO Sunday Sept 6th, 2020
The End Time Revival Impartation were be given out, We prayed for Healings & Miracles, Prophetic Words were also given out this was a Powerful Anointed Service.
Bishop Robert Williams spoke in: Rockwood & Sweetwater Tennessee
Lives were changed Miracles did happen. People received Impartations, Prophetic Words, New Mantels and Assigments from God.
Prophet Robert Williams spoke at the Revival on 5-7-20 Healings happened Impartations,Prophetic words were given out lives were changed as the Spirit of God Moved!
Pictures From The Holy Convocation June 2020 in Sweetwater, TN
Joseph Dowell has been an organist and has played for most of all the
healing evangelists from the 20th century. To a name a few Jack Coe,
William Branham, A.A. Allen, Rex Humbard, Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts,
John H. Osteen, Morris Cerullo, David Nunn, W V Grant, R W Shambach, TL
Osborn and many others. Buford as a young boy attended Jack Coe’s
church Dallas Revival Center in Dallas, Texas with his parents. When
Buford was 13 years old Jack Coe Sr. laid hands on him to be his
organist. Before hands were laid on him, Buford never played an organ.
But after hands were laid on him he was anointed to play the organ. Not
only has he played the organ, but has played for nearly most of all the
well known healing evangelists of the 20th century. What an honor and a
Bishop Robert Williams Preaching in Rockwood Tennessee July 12, 2020 #1
Bishop Robert Williams Preaching in Rockwood Tennessee July 12, 2020 #2
Dream I got on Praying and Laying Hands on people 3-20-20
A Healing and MiracleTestimony from Pastor Jerry 3-14-20
Unbelief in Jesus, Corona Virus and Ministry Update 3-16-20
How to get a Divine Restraining Order Against the Corona Virus 3-9-20
1-25-20 I would like to give out my personal Condolence out to the Dr. Gwyneth Williams family and Ministry friends. I met Dr. Gwyneth Williams, her daughter Star Williams and her Dad Bishop Otis G. Clark for the 1st time back on Aug 2nd, 2010. In 2011 I got a family picture. I had the honor of going to her home 3 times and I have stayed in touch with the family after that. Back in June 2019 Dr. Williams and her daughter gave me some Azusa Street Mission Anointing Oil. Healings and Miracles are following my Ministry. Praise be to God!
Thanks and God Bless You Dr. Gwyneth Williams a True General of God. You will be missed but not forgotten. Minister / Prophet Robert Lee Williams
Testimonies from
Toronto Canada 1-19-20
have a friend in Toronto she called me up on 1-19-20 with a
Testimony. On 1-16-20 she called up she was scared and not feeling
good she was having problems with heart, she has a lot of health
problems. I sent her
a Prayer Cloth and some Azusa Street Anointing Oil she got it
1-13-20. I asked her did she anoint herself with the Oil she said no
it's still in the package I told her
to get it out and anoint yourself with it now and keep your prayer
cloth close to you she did. She went to the ER that night they did an
EKG and ran other tests on her the Dr. told her she was dieing.
had her prayer cloth with her and she began to Pray, 2 hours later
the Dr's ran some more tests and another EKG the Dr's were shocked
the EKG came back a normal sinus rhythm she got her strength back and
they sent her home. On 1-19-20 she called me up she sounded great and
she said Jesus healed her heart. The Lord has more work to do on her.
I Praise God for His healing power.
I Blew the Trumpet The Shofar Paying Tribute at the National Funeral for
Bishop Ervin Sims Jr. In Kansas City KS.
Bishop Charles Blake officiated the Service in attendance was member's
of the General Board, Adjutant General Robert Rudolph Jr. Chairman of
the General Assembly Bishop L. F. Thuston.
God Bless the Sims family.
Minister Robert Williams
There were over 40,000 people in attendance 11-10-19
BISHOP / PROPHET Robert Lee Williams
Blowing the Shofar The 112th Holy Convocation
God gave me the Honor to Blow my Shofar in front of 1,000's of people over the 4 days that I was there. I talked to many Bishops, Pastors and people all over America. I handed out brochures and some Azusa Street Revival Anointing Oil.
UPDATE 3-14-20 Miracles Happened at the meeting! Go to the Testimony page to read what Happened.
Watch this Healing testimony video that happened!
A Healing and MiracleTestimony from Pastor Jerry 3-14-20
Ministered with the Shofar, give out Azusa Street Revival Impartations and handing some Azusa Street Anointing Oil. I prayed for Miracles and Healings for people. Miracles are following my Ministry.
Joshua's Coffee Shop at 95th & Wornall in Kansas City MO. In the building behind the big church.
July 24th, 2019
Minister Robert Williams Spoke at the 102 Holy Convocation in Kansas
City Kansas. I gave my testimony about my Azusa Street Revival Anointing
that is on my life. And about 190 small bottles of The Azusa Street
Revival Anointing Oil was given out and Prayer Clothes were given out
also. Many lives were changed. Miracles did happen at the Convocation.
Bishop L.F. Thiston is my Pastor.
If you want Minister Robert Williams to speak at your Church, Revival or
Holy Convocation Call me I will come with some Azusa Street Anointing Oil. Miracles and Healings will happen!
Minister Williams and Bishop L.F. Thuston handed out about a 190 bottles of Azusa Street Anointing Oil.
This Oil came from The Azusa Street Mission that dates from 1906 to 1909.
Kansas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction 2106 Quindaro Blvd Kansas City, Kansas
Here are just some Powerful Prophet's and Ministers that I have gotten
Impartations from in my life time: Prophet Ken Peters, Prophet's Stan & Leslie
Johnson, Prophet Ed Lynskey, Prophet Pat Sparrow, Jewish Prophet Tom Deckard, Prophet's Gene
& Chuck Beacon, Benny Hinn, David Terrell, Jewish Rabbi and
Evangelist Jacob Toback, Jewish Rabbi Michael Rood, Bishop Otis G. Clark the last Pastor of Azusa Street
Mission, Prophet T.C. Hudgins, Evangelist Jack Coe Jr., Evangelist Joseph Buford Dowell, Rodney Howard-Brown, Bishop L.F. Thuston, Bishop John Drew Sheard, Bishop Ernest Jefferson, Superintendent W.O.
Sherrard COGIC., Pastors Steve & Kathy Gray, Evangelist David Terrell, Evangelist Tony Kemp, Pastor Thurman Scrivner, Pastor Linda Silverman, Pastor Lisa McFarland.
Here is just a few Ministers of God that has
Imparted in to my life they are many more not listed here. I Thank God for all these Impartations and Anointings the HE has given me.
I ThankGod for giving me some of the Anointing Oil from the Azusa Street Revival which I'm now using when I minister.
Azusa Street Revival Anointing Oil.
Here my testimony on this Azusa Street Revival Anointing Oil.
Today is 6-26-19 this oil just came in from Bishop Otis G. Clark's
family Dr. Gwyneth Williams and Star Williams from Life Enrichment
Ministries. This oil was in The Glory Cloud and The Shekinah Glory.
Azusa Street Revival happened back between April 1906 to Nov. 1909.
I was Anointed with this oil at Bishop Otis G. Clark's funeral back in
2012 he was 109. He was the last Pastor of the Azusa Street Mission.
I have been going around parts of the country giving out Azusa Street
Revival Impartations and Anointings and Miracles, Healings, Signs and
Wounders are following my Ministry. With this oil this will take my
Ministry to the next level, as my Pastor Bishop L.F. Thuston says this
is the year of the 2nd Touch. I want to give as many people and churches
the 2nd touch of the Azusa Street Revival Anointing. If you want me to
come to your Church you can contact me here
Miracles that God Did! A Must Watch Video
RW Schambach - A.A. Allen Testimony of 26 Miracles
Miracles that God Did! A Must Watch Video
RW Shambach's End Time Prophecy & Greatest Miracle He Ever Witnessed
Booking Information:
If you would like to host a God's Miracle Ministry Revival with an The End Time Revival Anointing, Impartation, Healing and Miracle Revival at your Church of Event. Please Contact us soon our schedule is filling up fast. Click Here
God's Miracle Ministry Revival Service at: Shekinah Glory Fire Ministries in Independence MO on March 17th 2019 with Prophet Robert L. Williams
Street Revival and the Jack Coe Anointings and Importations was given out, I Prayed for Healings, Miracles and everyone got a Prophetic Word. This was a Powerful Service
(This is a part of the Great End Time Revival)
On March 31st, 2019 Minister Robert Williams had a meeting & Lunch with The Great General of Faith Evangelist Joseph Buford Dowell. I also got an Impartation from him.
5 -19th -26th, 2019 Minister Robert Williams Went to Tampa Florida to the VISION19 conference with Rodney Howard Browne- at the Ministers and Leaders Conferences. Where he laid hands on me and gave me an Impartation. I know it was very Powerful.
1-21-19 I would like to give out my personal Condolence out to the Jack Coe Jr. family and Ministry friends. I met Pastor Coe for the 1st time back on Dec. 9th, 2018. Where I ministered with him and when he gave me a Full Impartstion for the Healing and Miracle Ministry. You can watch the service below. Thanks and God Bless You Pastor Jack Coe Jr. Minister / Prophet Robert Lee Williams
Will be Ministering with the Shofar, giving out Azusa Street Revival Impartations and handing some Azusa Street Anointing Oil. I will be praying for Miracles and Healings for people. Miracles are following my Ministry. I hope to see YOU there!
Joshua's Coffee Shop at 95th & Wornall in Kansas City MO. In the building behind the big church.
Minister Robert Williams was there at the 2019 Shepherds Conference in Kansas City, MO. Ministered with my Shofar and handed out some Azusa Street Revival Anointing Oil.
Minister Robert Lee Williams gave Bishop Jefferson an Azusa Street Impartation listen to his testimony. This was taken at:
Missouri Western First-Episcopal Jurisdiction
101st Holy Convocation 2018
Beth Judah Ministries COGIC in Kansas City MO
A Miracle of an Azusa Street Impartation was given out tonight 8-1-18
This happened at: the Missouri Western First-Episcopal Jurisdiction
101st Holy Convocation 2018,
Beth Judah Ministries COGIC
2515 Harrision Street, Kansas City Missouri
Pastor's If you would like Miracles and to get an Azusa Street Revival
Impartation to happen to your church just contact me Minister Robert Lee
Williams by going to I hope to hearing from you soon my schedule is beginning to fill up. So Call TODAY.
Prophet Robert Lee Williams was Blowing the Shofar at: The Holy Convocation 101 in Kansas City, Kansas from July,17-20 2018 Kansas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction It was a Great Honor to be at these meetings. The Hand of God moved in these meetings.
Prophet Williams spoke in Wichita KS on July 11th, 2018 At Mt. Carmel Refuge Center Church of God in Christ
Update 7-12-18 A Miracle from God has been caught on this video! Go to time frame 5:32
and you will see a White orb or a White ball streak across the screen.
If you don't know what an orb is look it up. I had to.
Also God did many Miracles and Healings at this service everyone
got a Prophetic word from God. I was able to give out a few Azusa Street
Revival & Beyond Impartations and Azusa Street Anointings for Healings and
Many Lives were charged.
I want to Thank Jesus for ALL these Signs, Miracles and Healings
For Jesus is the Healer!! Minister / Prophet Robert Lee Williams
Guardian Angels Appearing in White Orbs
White orbs appear more often than colored orbs, and that makes sense because guardian angels travel in white orbs, and guardian angels are present with people more than any other type of angel.
If a guardian angel appears to you inside an orb, it may be to simply
encourage you that you are loved and cared for, or it may be to inspire
you to have faith when you're going through challenging circumstances.
Usually, when angels manifest in orbs, they don't have complex messages
to deliver. Showing up in an orb is a simple, unimposing way of blessing
those to whom they appear.
Pastor / Prophet T.C. Hudgins from Dallas TX, Has a Powerful message and testimony about when I spoke at his church 2 weeks ago July 15th, 2018. If you are a Pastor go to time frame 3:55 to 11:25 it is very short but very powerful. * He got part of the story crossed a little but it's ok.
Minister Williams spoke in Dallas TX on July 15th, 2018 At New Day Christian Center.
Here a comment from Pastor T.C. Hudgins Brothers and sisters this was more, MUCH more than a service, this day
we were visited from heaven !!! The Glory of God was so strong. we
could barely stand under it!!! Thank you so very much JESUS and thank
you brother Robert !!!
Many Miracle and Healings were done in peoples lives as they humbled themselves before God. It was an Honor to see them do this, they were hungry more a move of God.
If your church or Revival would like Minister Robert Lee Williams to come as a guest speaker Please contact him at: Click Here
Temple of Deliverance COGIC in Topeka Kansas
On June 21st & 22nd,2018 I spoke and gave out an Azusa Street Revival & Beyond Impartation to all Pastors and the congregation members who were serious about the Ministry and wanted to help bring in
Rev. William Seymour, the leader of the Azusa Street Revival, also prophesied that in
100 years there would be an outpouring of God's Spirit and His Shekinah
Glory that would be greater and more far reaching than what was
experienced at Azusa.
If your Church or Revival would like to host Minister Williams for an Azusa Sreet Revival & Beyond Impartation, Healing and Miracle Service. Please contact us!
*Note If your church would like to host a God's Miracle Ministry Revival with an Azusa Street Revival & Beyond Anointing. We will be giving out Azusa Street Revival Impartations and Praying for Miracles & Healings (They are Happening) Contact us soon our schedule will be filling up fast!!
An Azuse Street Healing Testimony 8-11-18
An Azuse Street Healing Testimony from Bishop Ernest Jefferson. He has
received an Azusa Street Revival & Beyond Inpartation for Ministry
from Prophet Robert Williams from God's Miracle Ministry.
3 Healing Miracles have occurred over the last few days
Azusa Street Revival & Beyond Testimonies 6-25-18
Azusa Street Revival & Impartation and Miracle Service Coming to:
God Making A Bold Announcement Pentecost 2018 With A Great Shaking!
Revival Watch If
you know of a Revival coming to your area or anywhere else in the
World. Please let us know and we will post it here. Revival's are about
to Break out All over the World SOON!
Minister Kasadue Derrick Shepperds Kampala, Uganda
Our Ministry is Growing in Uganda Africa Here are more
New Minister's we are adding to our TEAM. in Uganda Rebecca Kasumba, Rubanga Fred, Irinatwe Isaac Ben Cinsira, Kirungi Ronald Dembe Geoffrey Fred Mukisa, Bagaga Stephen, Mukusa Ritah, Kilabira Bless, Busagwa Steven
We are in need of Bible's to send to Uganda if you have any extra Bible's please mail them to us and if you can please send in a small donation to help with postage it a little expensive to sendthem over there. The people are real hungry for more of God.
Thank you and God Bless You All.
Our Goal is to have Minister's All over the World!
NEW Ordination Program God's Miracle Ministry are now Ordaining Minister's All over the World! This program is now up and ready to go. If you are interested in being an Ordained Minister Please Click Here Will be on elegant 8x10 or 8.5x11 Certificate Paper
Prayer Request's That come into the Ministry:
Irean is a friend of mine she lives in Canada. She has all kind's medical problems, she is handicapped and has heart and liver problems. She is a good Christian lady so Please pray for her. 6-15-18
Softly And Tenderly Jesus is Calling Hugh P & Maria
Read theTestimonials of people who have
received a Miracle from God
Do you have a Testimony? What has
God done for you?
Has God done a Miracle for
you? Has God done a Miracle Healing for you?
If so please send in the story
with your picture and we might add it here.
Testimony Page
Miracle's of
Miracle Healing's
The time is coming, and
has already come, when the TRUE WORSHIPERS will worship the Father in spirit
and in truth, For these are the worshipers, that the Father is seeking
after. John
Robert Lee Williams is an Ordained Minister who operates in the Gifts of Prophecy, Healing, Creative Miracles,
Prophetic Teacher with Signs and Wounders followering.
Mark 16:17-19 And these signs shall
follow them that believe; In my name (Jesus) shall they cast out devils; they
shall speak with new tongues,They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any
deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they
shall recover.
Mark 16:20
And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working
with [them], and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
We are so grateful for those who
give and support us. The scriptures make special promises to those who support
Prophetic & Healing ministry and underwrite their efforts. You will receive the prophet’s reward.
If you would like to bless God's Miracle Ministry with a gift,
you can do so in one of four ways: Click Here for more Information
God's Remnant People Will Soon Experience the Powers of the Age to Come by Bro. Sadhu Selvaraj
Who is God Really Must Watch
I AM 365 Names of God
New Teaching Videos from Minister Robert Lee Williams
Blowing The Shofar at a National Funeral for Bishop Ervin Sims Jr 1-14-20
Jesus came to me in a Dream with a Message of Encouragement 1-9-20
Teaching on Redemption 12-19-20
Powerful Dream on Preaching The Gospel 12-18-19
God's Miracle Ministry Impartation 7-5-18
Azusa Street Revival & Beyond Testimonies 6-25-18
Azusa Street Revival and Beyond Importation, Healing and Miracle Service Coming to:
See Our YouTube Channel for more Video's Click Here
10 Days of Awe (Day 9) Sept. 29, 2017 (The Sin of Profanity)
The 10 Days of Awe (#8) 9-29-17 (The Sin of Unbelief)
10 Days of Awe (Day 7) Sept. 27,2017 (The Sin of Greed)
10 Days of Awe (Day 6) Sept. 26,2017 (The Sin of Lust)
See the rest of the Series of the 10 Day's of Awe Click Here
The Ministry Of Presence 5-31-18
Having Supernatural Faith in God!
Concerning Spiritual Gifts and The 5-Fold Ministry
Teaching series on The Holy Spirit #1
Kansas City Home Bible Study Group
God's Miracle
Ministry Teaching Videos
Series on
We have started a Series on Healing!
You don't want to miss these teachings. If you are or know someone who has
Cancer, Back Trouble, Colds, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Wounds that want heal,
Kidney problems ect...
Soon we hope to hear many testimonies of
miraculous healings will be coming in from thousands from all over the
World. Now remember Jesus is the
Healer. E-mail your testimony to me personally Minister
Robert Lee Williams at:
Healing Scripture
Series useing the Powers of God delegated to us in the name of Jesus which
overcomes the evil with Good! Do you want to be set FREE?
Do you have Financial
problems? Do you have a Medical problems? Are you Hurting from any form of
pain? If so Come and listen to this NEW Series on Healing.
It really works. I got a Miracle Today! (7-10-12) Tell your family and friends about these
teachings so they can get a Miracle from GOD!
You Need to Listen to
these NEW Video's See All the Video's here at:
Prophet Robert Williams Ministered with the Shofar at The Historic Boone Tabernacle COGIC in Kansas City MO. Church Anniversary Worshio Celebration Bishop L.. F. Thuston Senior Pastor 8-26-18
I was "LIVE" with Prophetess Christy on Eagles Of Fire Prayer Group on Wednesday Aug. 15th, 2018. This was a Powerful interview and teaching, I thought on: What
is an Azusa Street Revival Impartation? And how to get this Impartation. Because we are now moving into The Great End Time Revival.
Missouri Western First-Episcopal Jurisdiction 101st Holy Convocation 2018 July 31st to Aug. 4th, 2018 Beth Judah Ministries COGIC 2515 Harrision Street, Kansas City Missouri Minister Robert Lee Williams spoke and blew the Shofar.
Azusas Street Impartations were given out at this Holy Convocation Miracles & Healings did happen at this Holy Convocation.
Minister Robert Lee Williams Blew the Shofar at: The Holy Convocation 101 in Kansas City, Kansas from July,17-20 2018 Kansas East Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Minister Robert Lee Williams Spoke and gave out an Azusa Streey Revival and Beyond Impartation. On June 21st & 22nd, 2018
If your Church or Revival would like to host Minister Williams for an Azusa Sreet Revival & Beyond Impartation and Miracle & Healing Service. Please contact us!
Minister Robert Lee Williams did a wedding on 7-8-17 at: The First Baptist in Overland Park Kansas.
** Minister Robert Lee Williams Ministered with The Shofar**
On January 20 & 21, 2017 Gladestone and Pleasent Valley, MO
taken at this event in front of 800 people. ** Minister Robert Lee Williams Ministered with The Shofar**
On October the 18th ,2012 At The Hilton Garden Hotel
Please Help Support
Christian Community Action in Dallas, Texas
Westin Galleria Dallas, September 27,
2012, Minister Robert Lee
Williams opened up this event with the sounding of the Shofar! This event had over 500 people. For
information go to:
Operation Care International’s (OCI) 2012
Fundraising Gala at the Westin Galleria Dallas, September 27, 2012,
Mark your calendar and join us for an evening of music, praise
and fellowship benefiting the 2012 Christmas Gift for the Homeless. OCI is
celebrating eleven years of serving those in need at home and abroad. Our
special speaker is Gracia Burnham, author of ‘In the Presence of My Enemies’.
Gracia’s story of what began as an once-in-a-lifetime anniversary island getaway
turned into an unimaginable nightmare. Gracia, and her husband Martin, were
kidnapped by an Islamist terrorist group and held hostage for 376 days. During
the rescue attempt, Gracia was wounded and Martin did not survive. Hear Gracia’s
story of how faith, hope and love survived a long year of terror. This will be
an evening you’ll not soon forget.
Please Help Support Operation Care
Internation in Dallas, Texas
Minister Robert Lee Williams Spoke at :
Beth Judah Ministries COGIC - Aug. 3rd,2018 2515 Harrision Street, Kansas City Missouri
Activating The Anointing Conferance 4-15-12 in
Rockwell, TX
Sufficient Grace Church -
1-22-12 Duncanville, TX
Restoration Heights Ministries International - 2012 Dallas, TX
Speaking Engagements are Open! If you
would like to host Minister Williams Please E-mail: or
Phone Minister Williams at 816-266-7688
* Note some people have sent in
prayer requests using the old email address that address is not working
anymore please resend your request to the New address.
If you would like to send a Prayer request E-mail it
to us. The Lord has put it on my heart to send you back a
video prayer E-mail if you would like one. Just let us know if you want
one? This is FREE at no cost to you but if you would like you can send in a
Donation to the Ministry. Go to our Donation page
CASH AP: $Bishoprobertw
God's Miracle
The Lord has birthed this ministry in
me all my life. The Lord started giving me dreams when I was in the 2nd grade.
At that time I was living in a small town of Goree TX.
The Lord showed
me in dreams that one day I would be standing in front of large crowds,
and thousands of people preaching and healing the people in the name of Jesus
and they were all healed right there on the spot.
Friends the time is now for my
self to start moving into that Call. We have went out to different churches in
the Dallas / Ft.Worth area. We have moved
from Topeka, Kansas where we have ministered in churches there.
God sent different us to
churches in Texas and other places around the country to minister the healing
word of God to. You will see God's Miracles with your own eyes like you have
never seen before.
Useing the Powers of God delegated to
us in the name of Jesus which overcomes the evil with Good! Do you want to be
set FREE?
Do you have Financial problems? Do you
have a Medical problems? Are you Hurting from any form of pain? If so Come and
listen to this NEW Series on Healing. It really works. I got a Miracle
Today! (7-10-12) Tell your family and friends about these teachings so they can
get a Miracle from GOD!
There are a lot of hurting people out
there in the world today, so if you are in need of prayer, in the hospital or if
you have had a loved one just die and if you would like for us to come and visit
and pray for you and your loved one just call us and we will come.
If your church or home group would
like for us to come and minister. Please call us and we will come. E-mail us or Call us at 816-266-7688. God Bless you